Thursday, November 12, 2009

the coolest ring ever

I came across this jewelry maker on a wedding blog:
And they just happen to make the most amazing and unique wedding bands I've ever seen. Basically, you get a little kit in the mail and you make an impression of your finger. You send the impression back to the jewelry maker and they make your wedding band with the finger impression lining the inside of the ring. So when you wear your wedding band you'll always have your love's finger wrapped around yours. How awesome is that? Matt was having some difficulty figuring out what kind of ring he wanted so I thought this would be perfect, but I wasn't sure if he'd be into it. I showed him the pictures and he just thought it was the coolest thing ever. So this is the ring he chose (in white gold):


  1. Very unique, great concept!

  2. awww thats so special!! your always lookin for something different.(since you were a little kidddd).
