I'm obsessed with details. Actually, it's more like I'm completely psychotic about details. Down to *the* smallest details that nobody will probably even notice anyway. So why do I waste my time and energy on these little things? Because I'll notice, and these little things make me happy :)
I just finished putting together the invitations, what a project that was! (I'll expand on that in another post) For the most part, I'm happy with how they turned out. But, while I was putting them together it dawned on me that I'll need to get postage for all the RSVP cards and the invites. Not sure why I hadn't thought about this before. But I knew I didn't want the same old postage every other bride in America uses from the post office, you know the ones..the LOVE one or the one with the white roses. I wanted my postage to be a bit more personal and unique. Thank God for
Zazzle! On this website not only can you design your own tshirt, or bag, or mug, or business card but you can design your own postage! So, after fooling around for a few hours or so I finally made a decision and purchased my own personally designed wedding postage:

OMG! How awesome is that?