So I went back to Michael's, picked up 2 more boxes of invites, and then brought everything to a professional printer who printed everything beautifully. Later, after we finalized our guest list, I decided I would try to print the invite envelopes. After 4 printed horribly and after I stopped crying, I again made a visit to the printer.
So after having to buy more invites than I actually needed and having to pay for a professional printer I figured that I went way over budget and spent way too much on a DIY project. I just did the math, and yup, I was right. And boy am I not happy!
I found this beautiful invite from Rexcraft, not exactly Damask but still fitting with my theme:

Price for invitation, outer envelope, lined inner envelope, RSVP card, RSVP envelope, and information card, and all printing for 100 invites: $403
Price for my stupid idea of doing DIY invites: $630
My biggest regret yet in planning this wedding. If I could do it all again I would have the invites professionally done from the beginning. I would've saved money and more importantly, I wouldn't have been so stressed out!
Price for my stupid idea of doing DIY invites: $630
My biggest regret yet in planning this wedding. If I could do it all again I would have the invites professionally done from the beginning. I would've saved money and more importantly, I wouldn't have been so stressed out!
oh well there done!! whats gonna happen when you do the table center pieces yourself??